Synergy Spray Systems specializes in the design and manufacturing of reliable, low-maintenance, and durable dry fog dust suppression misting/fogging cannon systems that are customized to meet the unique operating environment of each customer.
Our mist cannon dust suppression system is a mobile dust suppression equipment that offers unmatched performance and longer lifespan compared to other cannons available in the market. Fog cannons are the best choice for dust control measures during demolition of buildings and construction sites.
Fog cannons have several advantages, including:
Close to 99% reduction efficiency of PM10 and PM2.5 dust particles.
Less than 0.5% moisture by volume added to the product.
Modular design capability for future expansion of fog cannon systems.
Low installation costs with no expensive plant modifications required.

If not managed adequately, dust can reduce productivity, impact operational costs, pollute the air we breathe, and threaten the safety of workers and the surrounding areas. Fog cannons are an effective option for dust suppression and water dissipation in mines, quarries, building sites, demolition sites, and other industrial areas. This is because they can be easily set up, are portable, and are ideal for tackling apparent dust.
As industry leaders in dust control, Synergy Spray is committed to delivering the most operationally robust and cost-effective solutions. Our range of dust control solutions includes mist guns.

A fog cannon pumps highly compressed water through a series of fog nozzles, atomizing the water into fine fog. This fog is then dispersed through the air by a powerful fan. When airborne dust particles come into contact with the fog, they are trapped, and due to increased pressure, along with water, they return to the source and do not get a chance to spread.

Synergy Spray's mist cannons can be strategically placed near dust-producing sources, such as tip areas, roads, or loading areas, to achieve effective dust suppression. They can be auto-activated by controllers, radar sensors, weather sensors, or remote control. The amount of water used by the guns can also be fully controlled to optimize water consumption.

Mist guns are typically slip-mounted or mounted on a trailer for ease of mobility. They can be self-powered through the inclusion of a built-in diesel generator. Synergy Spray supplies cannons in various sizes, with different water discharge ranges that can be either fixed or oscillating. Multiple fans can be interlinked on larger sites for ease of operation and control.

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Mist cannons can be utilized to smother dust in regions where wind assumes a significant part or for Water Evaporation in regions where exorbitant water is collected. 

Coal mines
Sand quarries
Construction Sites
Demolition sites
Water treatement plants for evopration of waste water

Synergy Spray fog cannons are totally portable; they can be handily moved to cover various regions. They allow for better inclusion of water, explicitly when treating dust where there is no frame work set up and when fewer choices are available for any system installations.

Benefits of Misting Cannons:

• Extremely successful at suppressing airborne dust

• Huge decrease in water use contrasted with low pressure watering systems

• Guarantees huge coverage area

• Simple to install and position

• No synthetic substances or chemicals are released into the surroundings


How do the cannons work?

Fog is created by the evaporation of the mist liquid espically water. A large and optimized fan forces air aginst the spraying mist / fog particles and it carried over the atmosphere.

Will dripping in the nozzles or cannon occur?

No we provide anti-drip products

How often should maintenance occur?

Periodic maintenence is required for the efficent operation of the fogging / misting cannons

If we breathe in the fog will it be harmful?

Absolutely not, its plain water that is being sprayed

Can it be moved around?

Yes, Optional wheeling system to be moved around as well as remote operated.

How far can the cannon throw be made?

Cannon fog throw can be made based on the customer requirements. throw can be 110 meters in length.
Tags: Fog Cannon manufacturers in India | Outdoor dust control | Dust suppression system working principle | mist cannon dust suppression | fog cannon india
For Spray Nozzles: +91 94442 75778
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Dust suppression system: +91 86100 00128
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