Synergy Spray offers a comprehensive range of tank cleaning machines suitable for cleaning tanks of any size, from small brewing barrels to large process vessels and even huge stormwater dilution tanks.
For tanks up to 4 meters in diameter, Synergy Spray provides static nozzles, including wide-angle spiral nozzles and nozzle manifolds that deliver an omnidirectional cleaning spray. This range now includes the new Hydro Claw clog-resistant tank cleaner.
For tanks up to 5 meters in diameter, Synergy Spray offers a wide variety of static (non-rotating) spray balls that deliver micro jets in 360 degrees, 180 degrees up, or 180 degrees down patterns.
For tanks up to 5.5 meters in diameter, Synergy Spray provides a broad range of rotating fan tank cleaners, including all PTFE rotating tank cleaners suitable for use in aggressive environments.
For larger tanks and/or heavy deposits, Synergy Spray offers powerful rotating jet tank cleaners, available in both sterile and industrial designs, with a variety of cleaning patterns and flow rates. These cleaners are suitable for tanks up to 50 meters in diameter.
Finally, Synergy Spray offers the Orbiter nozzle, a quick cycle rotary jet tank cleaner designed to dramatically improve water and time efficiency. Unlike conventional impingement cleaners that are designed for power, this tank cleaning head is designed to provide a fast cleaning cycle that uses very little water.


Our comprehensive range of tank cleaning heads and nozzles is suitable for cleaning tanks of any size and can effectively remove almost any type of residue. We offer fully sterile, self-cleaning systems that are suitable for food processing, pharmaceutical, and other clean applications. Additionally, we have tank cleaners designed to handle liquids with a high particle content, such as waste effluent or oil sludge, and we also have systems that can handle highly aggressive conditions such as acid tanks.
No matter what the tank environment, size, or residue, we have a tank cleaning head that can deliver efficient, effective, and consistently excellent cleaning results.


The cost of inadequate tank and vessel cleaning is often underestimated in the manufacturing process. Poor cleaning practices can lead to product loss or recalls. In addition, performing secondary manual cleaning when CIP (clean-in-place) systems have not effectively cleaned the tanks can result in longer downtime and increased usage of water, caustics, and heat.
Even when CIP systems are employed, they may not be operating at their optimal level, resulting in prolonged cleaning times or excessive use of cleaning agents and water. This can result in increased expenses and lower efficiency.


Choosing the right tank cleaning system can significantly reduce water usage. The most efficient tank cleaners rely on the impact of the cleaning liquid on the tank surface rather than relying solely on water to dissolve residues. This mechanical action is much more effective per liter of cleaning liquid used, meaning that increasing the impact of the cleaning system will almost always lead to improvement in reducing water utilization.


Although water is not one of the four components of the cleaning mixture, water usage is clearly a significant factor in cleaning processes. The amount of water used in any cleaning mixture depends largely on the chemical component and time component. Water is known as the universal solvent because it can dissolve more substances than any other liquid, making it a common and important ingredient in cleaning mixtures.
It is also evident that reducing the time component of the cleaning mixture will result in a decrease in water usage. The shorter the cleaning cycle, the less water will be required.

For Spray Nozzles: +91 94442 75778
For Spraying Systems and
Dust suppression system: +91 86100 00128
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