Synergy Spray Systems, a leading manufacturer of spray nozzles, specializes in providing humidification solutions. Our humidification nozzles are available as mist nozzles or air atomizing nozzles, and we offer complete design, construction, and installation of humidification systems.
Our humidification systems are widely used in food processing units, textile processing units, organic waste processing units, and meat production companies. Achieving the desired humidity levels is crucial in various conditions, and finely atomized sprays can efficiently humidify the environment. However, the spraying of too much fluid can lead to buildup or precipitation, while too little fluid can result in inadequate humidity levels.


Humidifying systems require a moderate amount of spray to achieve the desired level of humidity. The amount of water needed to raise the humidity in a given environment depends on three factors:
1. The initial humidity level of the surrounding environment
2. The rate at which air in the space is exchanged with the wider environment, is determined by ventilation and air movements
3. The temperature of the room, affects both evaporation rates and the overall capacity of the air to carry water
To achieve fast humidification with a spray nozzle, one needs to keep the droplet size as small as possible and distribute the water over a wide area. This allows the small droplets to quickly evaporate into the air, raising the humidity level.
The rate at which water evaporates from any system depends on heat, wind, surface area, and surrounding humidity. As humidity increases, the rate of evaporation also increases, as more water is held in the air for heat to act on. Humidifying systems take advantage of this fact. By increasing the level of moisture in the air, the rate of evaporation can be increased, thereby maintaining a consistently higher level of humidity through continuous or periodic spraying. Of course, there is a limit to how much water the air can hold, and once a certain level is reached, condensation or precipitation will occur.



One of the key engineering considerations in selecting nozzles for spray systems is achieving fine atomization to promote quick evaporative forces on the spray. Low flow rate variations are typically required to achieve this. If the spray droplets are too large, there is a higher chance of wetting occurring before complete evaporation takes place. Therefore, it is essential to choose a nozzle that produces fine droplets to ensure complete evaporation.


Another important consideration is to disperse the spray as widely as possible within the space to allow for rapid evaporation. This is especially critical in areas with poor ventilation and minimal natural air movement. By distributing the spray more widely, it will have a greater chance of coming into contact with the air and evaporating quickly.



Air atomizing nozzles are a great choice for humidifying systems as they deliver fine drops at low flow rates, allowing for quick evaporation. The air used in the nozzle helps to spread the fine spray throughout a large room efficiently. However, these nozzles require both an air and water supply to function properly.


If an air supply is not available, pressure driven misting nozzles may be suitable for humidification systems. These nozzles require higher liquid pressures to achieve a small enough drop size for fast evaporation, typically requiring pressures of at least 7 bar.
For more information on nozzle selection for humidifying systems, refer to the "key engineering considerations" subsections on this page. Information on different spray nozzle designs suitable for humidifying applications can be accessed through the black menu on the left.


DESIGNING CONSIDERATION 1 – FINE SPRAY AT LOW FLOW RATES Humidification systems require an extremely fine spray to remain suspended in the air to prevent unwanted moisture or wetting. Direct pressure nozzles rely on the kinetic energy of the liquid to create fine droplets, which is dependent on pressure and flow rate. If the flow rate is too high, direct pressure nozzles may not be able to produce fine droplets at the required level for humidification systems. In such cases, air atomizing nozzles should be considered.
Synergy offers various low flow direct pressure misting nozzles suitable for most humidifying applications, but for ultra-low flow rates while maintaining fine droplets, air atomizing nozzles are preferred.


Humidification of large areas requires nozzles with a reasonable reach. Direct pressure nozzles may struggle to provide the required reach when low flow rates are used. Low flow rates require lower pressures, and as a result, the spray may not have enough force to travel far enough. Air atomizing nozzles can help overcome this challenge. The energy used to atomize the liquid comes from compressed air, leaving more energy to propel the spray. Therefore, air atomizing nozzles can produce finely atomized sprays at very low flow rates with a range of up to 7 or 8 meters. This may reduce the number of nozzles and pipe work required for adequate coverage.
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